Mt Abe 3/3/07

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Aug 27, 2004
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Chip and I headed up on the Battell trail. We were following blazes and ski tracks. The skiers would go off trail from time to time and we followed them in to little bushwacks. We hit a few baby spruce traps and got cought up a bit. I guess when they grow up they migrate to the ridge to eat VFTTers like Mad Townie and Docross.

The snow in the woods was fresh and there were plenty of animal tracks, fisher, chipmunk, red squirrel and snowshoe hare. We did notced that the sap lines were up so the sugar season has started. We met two other parties on the way up. We stopped at the lean to for tea and a snack, lightened our load and headed up Abe. The trail had been broken out by two day hikers. On the way up I noticed that many of the cones on the spruce had been picked clean. I did see the culprits, a pair of white winged cross bills. At the sumit we decided to go back to the lean to because of the time, the trail conditions and my condition.

We needed to shovel out the lean to and around the table. We did see a snow shoe hare. We woke with some fresh snow. Had breakfast and hiked out.
Mt Abraham, I don't know it well enough to call it Abe. ;)

This was a nicer summit than I had expected and my first View from the Top since October, not that I haven't tried, I just haven't had any views.

That was ONE BIG HARE ! Holy Cow ! Maybe those weren't spruce traps up top ! Go ask Alice when she's 10 feet tall ! What was in those Ginger Snaps, Puck ?

Here's a link to the Photo Album of the trip.