Mt. Adams attempt-Valley way 1/31/09

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Trail Conditions: 2 backpackers ahead of our group of 3 for about 1/2 mile, then we passed them and became the "trailbreakers". Broke trail for about 2 1/2 miles until another younger couple came along and proceeded with breaking trail...Much appreciated! The trail is now well packed until Madison Hut. No issues with downed trees and the trail should stay well packed until the next big snow! There were a few other folks following behind us who further packed the trail down.
Attempts to go above Madison Hut were thwarted by the winds and blowing snow. Any tracks were quickly blown away and any cairns were playing peek a boo with the wind....We decided we wanted to continue hiking many more days and didn't want to be a statistic. So, down we came. It was actually snowing on us the whole day...kind of like being in a snow globe! Very pretty! Despite not reaching the intended summit, we had a great time, great company and beautiful snow to play in!!!

Special Equipment Required: snowshoes the entire hike! No need for crampons or microspikes up to the hut.

Your name: TOAD, with hosesucker and Skip