MT Adams - Saturday August 6th

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Jul 9, 2005
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Stamford, CT
I'm hoping to go hiking on Mt. Adams on Saturday August 6th. Hoping to get some feedback on pros and cons of trails. Thanks in advance. Anyone wanting to join (once I figure out what I'm doing) is welcome.
Up Airline and down Valley Way makes a good trip. Airline's moderate for the first few miles but the felsenmeer on the final approach can be challenging; views are worth it, though. Valley Way is mostly below treeline and makes a more gradual and thus comfortable descent.

Is Madison a consideration as well? If so, I strongly recommend against descent via Watson Path--my least favourite New England trail thus far.

I'm sure the experts here can tell you more than you may want to know about the dozen other trails.
Mt Adams (New Hamp)

We did this trip last weekend. Found that Airline up and Valleyway down made a nice loop. Going up Airline provides great views as you exit treeline (more exposure in bad weather). Valleyway is the more moderate of the trails (essentially no exposure) as it is the trail the hut crew use, at the bottom of Valleyway are nice waterfalls to view or soak your feet in. After summiting Adams we went to the hut for a break and then made the short ascent to the top of Madison where 2 of our party finished their Northeast 111 (115). A real nice trip via the two trails mentioned. Have to mention also that the water at the hut was real cold and refreshing.
I did Adams via Lowe's Path, King Ravine Trail, Airline and back down Lowe's Path. The Ravine is spectacular but I found it to be one of the more difficult hikes I have done in the Whites. There is a section of bouldering at the beginning of the headwall and the option of going over the boulders or through the boulder caves. I peeked in the caves but decided that I'd stay where the light was shining. Caving is not for this guy. The headwall was excruciating, steep with loose rock all the way to Air Line and Gulfside Trail. Madison is very doable in the same trip but I was begiining to get some quad cramping and decided to save Madison for another day and another route. The trip down Lowe's is very open to Gray Knob Hut with great views. A great trek in fine weather but I am sure very nasty in bad weather. There were a few ledge sections on Lowe's that were slippery on the descent and they were pretty dry. They would be much worse in wet weather. Lowes was not a bad route down over all. Parking was a couple bucks in Lowe's Country Store across the street from the trailhead. Enjoy!!!
The RMC cabins/shelters offer great overnight experiances...

Mt. Adams is a long day hike. Not the longest one in the whites, but in my opinion one of the harder (not hardest).

I very much like the Northern Presidentials, it is my favorite area of the White Mountains.

When I hike up to Adams, Madison, Jefferson, ect. I like to hike up to one of the RMC facilities and use them as a high base camp. Even if you only have 1 night. Staying at Crag Camp is very nice in summer. You can hike up to it many various ways (others suggested good routes). Leave your heavy pack at the cabin and bring along a day pack to summit one of the peaks. The area above tree line is amazingly beatuiful! The next day you can summit a different peak packless again. Either way you do it the Northern Presidentials are great!

Here is a link to the RMC site.
Adams - Saturday Aug 6th Plan

Thanks for all the advice. Gameplan for Saturday August 6th: If the weather looks good, the plan is to meet at Appalachia on Route 2 at 7:30 and do the Air Line trail up and Valley Way down. I know Sherpette is in (just off the DL). Hope others can join us.
I'll be joining you too!! I went up Airline earlier this summer, but missed out on views because the weather was terrible. Looking forward to seeing what I missed :)

Little Sister
My group of seven went up Airline and down Lowe's last weekend (see Trip Report). This worked out well. Both trails were in great condition. The descent on Lowe's was easy, which was appreciated by those folks in our party with sore knees. Upper part of Lowe's until treeline is really nice, too. You would need two cars to do this loop, of course.

Sherpa K told me the Spur/Amphibrach is a nice trail, too, but a bit longer and rough in parts. If you have one car, that might combine it with Airline to be a more interesting loop than using the Valley Way.


Little Sister said:
I'll be joining you too!! I went up Airline earlier this summer, but missed out on views because the weather was terrible. Looking forward to seeing what I missed :)

Little Sister

I hiked Adams earlier this spring and was unfortnately met with the same viewless hike. It was a very rainy day but I pulled Sherpa John, Bob and Geri up it anyway. I sure hope that this time around will be much better, and I hope to be able to stay on the summit longer than a minute.
I'm very excited to hike up Airline as both time I have been up to either Madison or Adams have been via Valley way. Nice hike but I would certianly like a change of secenery. Sure hope the weather is with us for this hike!
I Hiked up via King Ravine and down via Valley Way. King Ravine was steep, steep and then some more steep. Hiking though the "ice caves" on King Ravine made the hike seem shorter and added some more adventure to the day.
Our group of 9 will probably meet you on Adams on the the 6th as one is completing # 48. For me the least steepest of rough climbing trails to the summit are Valley Way > Scar Trail > Airline.

See you on the Adams Family of 5 !!
Thanks for all the replies... Air Line going up is set... I'd love to know more about Spur Trail/Amphibrach... or Shortline, as opposed to the current plan of going down Valley Way.
What I can say is I have done this hike from several trails and my favorite route was Amphribrach > Spur > Lowes and down Airline. You circle King Ravine and are out in the open for a long stretch. On a clear day (as I had) it was spectacular!
Adams Hike this Saturday: Plan is still to meet at Appalachia at 0730 and go up via Airline and down Valley Way. Weather looks good. I'll be heading up to NH tomorrow night and in the north country Friday. I know Sherpette and Little Sister are coming. Planning on an easy pace. All invited.
MtnMagic and I will catch up with you from the summit. We'll be ascending via Lowe's Path. Weather promises a spendid day!