Mt. Bemis Fire Tower Site via Nancy Pond Trail + abandoned trail: 30-Jul-2012

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Jan 18, 2007
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Bethlehem, NH
Photos from this trek are at my BLOG.

I only hiked the Nancy Pond Trail to the other side of the crossing of Nancy Brook at 1.6 miles from trailhead. That segment of trail was in great shape. However, Tropical Storm Irene in 2011 did some damage to the Nancy Brook crossing mentioned above. A big chunk of trail on the north side of the brook is washed out. Although you can still cross there, I found a crossing that seemed a bit better to me, and it's located just about 20 feet or so upstream.

The fire warden's trail to the former Mt. Bemis fire tower is abandoned. There is a Forest Service sign posted near the beginning of the trail which indicates you are welcome to use the land, but maintenance of the trail is prohibited and punishable by fines and/or imprisonment!

The majority of the abandoned trail is in pretty decent shape and relatively easy to follow. However, there are plenty of blowdowns to work your way over, and crawl under. Also, there are a few short segments where the trail is so overgrown that it's difficult to locate the pathway, and sometimes you can barely even see your own feet. Because of these obscure segments of trail, it's probably best if you don't attempt this hike if you're unaccustomed to this type of hiking. And if you do attempt it, then you should wear long pants because you're going to get scratched up!;)