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Mt. Garfield via Gail River Loop Road, Garfield Trail, Garfield Ridge Trail
Date of Hike: Sunday, February 15, 2009
Trail Conditions: Packed trail, dusting of snow'
Special Equipment Required: Microspikes
Parked in plowed out area along side of RT3 ~0.2 miles before Gail River Loop Road entrance. All ice bridges still in place, despite the recent melt. Trail was well packed with a dusting of snow. The upper part of the Garfield Trail had deeper snow but the trail was packed so I was still able to bareboot with microspikes. Garfield Ridge Trail was also packed so I had no trouble barebooting it with microspikes. I saw a hemlock down in the bumpy hemlock section and another blowdown (with many branches) further along the trail not far from the three brook crossings at the beginning.
Date of Hike: Sunday, February 15, 2009
Trail Conditions: Packed trail, dusting of snow'
Special Equipment Required: Microspikes
Parked in plowed out area along side of RT3 ~0.2 miles before Gail River Loop Road entrance. All ice bridges still in place, despite the recent melt. Trail was well packed with a dusting of snow. The upper part of the Garfield Trail had deeper snow but the trail was packed so I was still able to bareboot with microspikes. Garfield Ridge Trail was also packed so I had no trouble barebooting it with microspikes. I saw a hemlock down in the bumpy hemlock section and another blowdown (with many branches) further along the trail not far from the three brook crossings at the beginning.