Mt. Hayes to the rescue.

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Well-known member
Nov 13, 2004
Reaction score
New hampshire
As a soloist and an introvert, I enjoy hikes that are not that busy. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy meeting people on the trail for sure. This holiday weekend gave me few choices, but looking at my list, I thought Mt. Hayes might work and it came through with flying colors. I decided to take the Mahoosic trail, I had done the route before and did not care for it, I thought I would give it another chance. It is a pretty benign route, the approach via the dirt roads near the power station are not memorable and frankly uninspiring. Once on the route, it rises with a consistent and forgiving grade, never steep or challenging, just up through a non descrip valley with fairly nice brook. Once above the Brook, semi open ledges lead to the summit, a small cairn that is less than dramatic. I had only slept 3 hours, so I chose not to continue to the ledges and just hung out on the open ledge just out of the forest. Had a nice lunch, took some pictures, than me and my sidekick did a semi running decent in spite of the leaf covered trail. I refer to fall hiking as "braille" hiking. I never saw another hiker and ran into one person on the dirt roads that was just out for a walk. Nice day and missed all the crowds, 20/52 for round 4 of 52wav list.


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