Mt. Isolation (aborted) via Rocky Branch Trail, bushwhack
Date of Hike: Sunday, February 8, 2009
Trail Conditions: Spring snow, wet granular, packed powder, windblown
Special Equipment Required: Snowshoes
Rocky Branch parking lot plowed.
Rocky Branch Trail was fairly well packed spring snow up to the second XC ski trail junction. Beyond there, it was a softer spring snow (some postholing even with snowshoes on) until perhaps 2,500' or so. Above there, it was a bit more firm, with about an inch of new snow on top.
Current Engine Hill bushwhack route starts I believe just before the height of land. Rocky Branch Trail was broken out about 20 feet beyond the bushwhack.
Bushwhack was fairly well broken out, climbing perhaps above 3,200'. Lots of moose postholes in a few parts. I turned back after about 4 miles due to a) high winds b) limited visibility (couldn't see into the valley or the ridge across the way) c) the rest of the bushwhack track, as well as my tracks, were filling in with the windblown snow.
Your name: rocket21
Your E-mail address: [email protected]
Date of Hike: Sunday, February 8, 2009
Trail Conditions: Spring snow, wet granular, packed powder, windblown
Special Equipment Required: Snowshoes
Rocky Branch parking lot plowed.
Rocky Branch Trail was fairly well packed spring snow up to the second XC ski trail junction. Beyond there, it was a softer spring snow (some postholing even with snowshoes on) until perhaps 2,500' or so. Above there, it was a bit more firm, with about an inch of new snow on top.
Current Engine Hill bushwhack route starts I believe just before the height of land. Rocky Branch Trail was broken out about 20 feet beyond the bushwhack.
Bushwhack was fairly well broken out, climbing perhaps above 3,200'. Lots of moose postholes in a few parts. I turned back after about 4 miles due to a) high winds b) limited visibility (couldn't see into the valley or the ridge across the way) c) the rest of the bushwhack track, as well as my tracks, were filling in with the windblown snow.
Your name: rocket21
Your E-mail address: [email protected]