Mt. Marcy from adk loj

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Date of hike: May 30

Conditions: Parking to Marcy Dam, muddier than last Sunday. Marcy dam to summit, virtually wet and muddy the entire trail. Even the rocks on the way to the summit have running water going by. A few areas require stepping in a couple inches of water, including a series wooden boards nearer to the summit that are submerged. The summit itself is dry. Some bugs only at Marcy Dam. They weren't biting.

Special equipment: waterproof footwear would be helpful, gaiters (I used mini-gaiters which were fine).

Comments: Once again we had perfect timing, left the parking lot around 10:30, after the rain, and got to the summit around 2, with the rain and clouds gone from the summit. Had about a 10 minute shower on the way down, but were already in the trees by then.
