Mt. Mooselauke & South Peak -- Glencliff --Carriage Rd

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Ed'n Lauky

Well-known member
Feb 15, 2007
Reaction score
Blairsville GA ......... Avatar-- On top of S
The Glencliff trailhead had no snow. It was icy. The trail through the farm fields also had no snow but was covered with ice. Basically the trail was ice covered up to 2500'. Above that the ice was covered with a small amount of hard packed snow. Above 3500' there was an inch or two of fresh powder. Up on the ridge the snow was a couple of feet deep but the trail was solidly consolidated with no postholing at all.

I used Hillsounds from car to car. The only postholing was just below the summit of the South Peak and that is now well punched out. Otherwise the trails were solid and fast.

The ridge was in the clouds today with an occasional peek-a-boo sun. The last couple of hundred vertical feet to the summit can be tricky in the fog in that all white moonscape. Care needs to be taken to stay on the trail especially going down.

Unfortunately, we did a quick side trip to the south summit. I say "unfortunately" because on the lower section you have to push your way through the trees and I lost my red hat in there. I didn't notice that it had come off because I was wearing my balaclava. Otherwise it was a worthwhile side trip.

The trails were clear of blowdowns and the first and only crossing was bridged.

Temperature was 30* when we left. It dropped to 20* as we went up but up on the ridge it was 25*. It was about 35* when we arrived back at the car.

We saw no one else all day long. Ours was the only car in the parking lot when we pulled in and the only one there when we left. No signs of any other tracks today.

PS Many thanks to Rick B for looking for and finding my hat. :)

Mileage with South Peak--8.2
Elevation gain with South Peak -- 3389'

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