Mt. Moosilauke, Saturday 7/15

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Jun 27, 2006
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I posted this hike on the Boston Hiking Club list. VFTT'ers are welcome too.


I’m planning to hike Mt. Moosilauke this Saturday. Moosilauke is on the western edge of the White Mountains and has beautiful views in all directions, including a nice view of Franconia Ridge in the distance. The hike will be moderately strenuous with 2932’ of elevation gain and a total of 7.5 miles (round trip).

We’ll take Beaver Brook Trail up from Kinsman Notch. This is a beautiful trail that follows cascades up a ravine for about a mile. This section is extremely steep and can be slippery even in dry weather because of spray or condensation from the brook. Please be in good shape, have appropriate footwear (*no sneakers* please) and at least a little hiking experience. After the first mile, most of the elevation gain is over and the trail levels out.

If we have more than 1 car leaving from Boston, we can leave a little early and spot a car at Moosilauke Ravine Lodge and take the Gorge Brook Trail down for a somewhat easier descent (same distance).

Book time for the trip is 6 ½ hours. Expect to be done around 5, back in Boston 7:30-8:30ish. Beer & pizza in Davis likely upon our return to Boston. (Email me if you can’t make the hike but want to meet up with us after).

Meet at the Beaver Brook trailhead at 10AM on 7/15
(Take 93 North 129 miles to Exit 32. Take 112 west about 7-8 miles. Parking lot is just before a small pond. $3 USFS fee or parking pass required (2 ½ hours))

I can take 3 people – pick up from Davis Square at 7:15 or you can park on a side street near my place in Medford.

Lunch & snacks
Hiking boots
2 Liters of water (there’s a water source after the steep climb)
Rain jacket

The trail is steep and slippery, especially when wet. The summit is also very exposed. This means good views in nice weather, but if there are thunderstorms likely or heavy rain, we won’t go. Check this forecast and your email Friday night for an update if the rain is 60% or higher:

Email or call with any questions. Happy hiking :)