Mt. Percival, Mon 4/20/09

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Date of Hike: Mon 4/20/09

Trail Conditions:
Mt. Percival Trail: Bone dry! No snow or ice on trail or in woods, minimal water/mud...not too surprising since it is a south facing trail. The only snow, ice were small patches around the cave and a thick bit in the cave.

I did not complete the loop over to Morgan, but it looked the Crawford Ridgepole trail had snow still and there was more snow on Morgan. There seemed to be significant residual snow a couple feet deep on the north face going the other way going toward Mt. Sqaum.

Special Equipment: None, but poles would be useful if completing the loop over to Mt. Morgan.

Comments: Apparently the trail up Percival and Morgan aren't really closed. The parking lots are closed, but there are several spots of the side of the road. There is a sign at the Mt. Morgan and Rattlesnake trail head saying "parking lots and trails closed" but if you read the sign it goes on to say "Spring brings mud and erosion.....If you must go on the trail please stay on the trail and be prepared to walk through mud, ice, or snow." the latter part and the fact that several people were on the trail and it is dry makes me think it is ok to use, but perhaps I am reading it wrong. Hope not! Despite gathering high altitude clouds moving in, views were very strong spanning from Kinsmans,Franconia Ridge (a unique angle), Tecumseh, Passaconaway, Chocura, and of course the lakes.
