I was with SteveHiker (and Christa and Skiguy) on the November 26 (Friday after Thanksgiving) hike up the Mt. Shaw Trail that his pictures are from. I also climbed the Mt. Shaw Trail from Route 171 in '90. The main difference is that the Trail is better marked and easier to follow now, and logging detritus that messed up one stretch of the Trail in '90 is no longer there.
At the southern tip of the sidetrail to the Black Snout overlook, you'll find a blue-blazed trail known as Big Ball Mountain Trail, which some hikers pointed out to us. We very much enjoyed following it down an open ridge, over the summit knobs of that Mountain. It parallels the Mt. Shaw Trail to the east, and below the summit of Big Ball (a/k/a Tate) Mt., a red-and-green blazed trail heads west to an intersection with the Shaw Trail, less than half-mile from its parking lot. That made for an excellent loop.
The Lakes Region Conservation Trust has published a very good hiking map of that area, but I don't know if it's available on-line. carole from VFTT maintains some of the trails around there and is our resident expert on the Ossipees (and Belknaps too).