Mt Tecumseh Trail Conditions?

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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2005
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Lebanon, NH Avatar: Philosopher?

I was thinking about hiking Tecumseh tomorrow, 11/26. I have snowshoes, but was wondering if I needed crampons. How much snow has fallen up in Waterville Valley? I'll be hiking from the Waterville Valley side. If there is a ton of snow, maybe I'll do something different.


The ski area site says 4 inches of new snow from this past storm. I hiked Lafayette this past monday with no traction devices and didnt even hit snow until around Greenleaf hut. Only a few real icey areas that could be avioded, having poles really helped alot but snowshoes could be overkill. Again, things could be different after this recent storm but I donno if I'd use snowshoes with only 4 inches of snow. Hope this helps

should be bare bootable

Was there two weeks ago...was able to bare boot it most of the way (used my snowshoes as crampons - that is ackwardly in a couple places). Personnaly I would bring crampons just for safety, but you are likely not to need them. If you just have stepins and want to wear hiking bots, bring a pair of small snowshoes.... :)

Have a great hike.
So how was it?

grouseking said:
I was thinking about hiking Tecumseh tomorrow, 11/26.

Did you go? There's no recent posts in the trail conditions area. A friend and I are planning to hike it on 12/10 and I am wondering if there are blow down issues there like there are in so many other places. :confused:


We hiked Mt Tecumseh today (12-3-05) on the Tecumseh trail starting at the ski area parking lot. There are about 10 to 15 small blowdowns. Not a single one will hinder you in any way though. They had fresh snow up there yesterday. About 4-6 inches I would say. A beautiful day to hike!
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