at the trailhead there is very little snow. parking lot at train depot is very slick in spots though(the only place I almost lost my footing). Pretty solid trail up to Mt Tom spur. Mt Tom spur is a bit soft. Funny how trails so close together can be so different. Maybe not as much traffic on Mt Tom Spur? I barebooted all the way up until one particluar spot on the Mt Tom spur. I had already decided that traction would be necessary for the descent but I put on my microspikes just before the suummit (small knee high cairn just before the tracks ended, is this the summit?) Maybe 18 inches of snow off the trail at summit in spots, otherwise not a lot of snow. No views as it was very overcast and cloudy. Traction really made a difference going down. Very nearly did this hike in book time due to well laid down path. Apologies in advance to Big Earls group for the 2 or 3 postholes I made on Mt Tom spur. I can't wait to read Big Earl's trip report for his trip this coming Sunday. I briefly considered Mt Field as well but driving conditions today concerned me and I'll leave taht for another day.