Mt tremper trail

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Sep 19, 2003
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clinton, ny "avatar:Bailey"
My 4 legged hiking partner tore her ligament last fall and doctor says she can continue to go hiking with me. I do not want to take her any anything to hard, say like rock climbing up and down cliffs. This trail gets a lot of tourist action so I don't think it would be to hard for her. Whats the scoop? She gets so excited when she see's me putting on my hiking boots :( , so I don't want to keep leaving her behind.
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What are the affected joint and ligament?

Beware - veterinarians do not always have the best advice regarding orthopedic injuries. Before resuming atheletic activities with your dog, I would recommend having the dog screened with a good canine physical therapist. They'll be able to do a work up that will let you know not only whether your dog should resume exercising, but can also advise what types of activities to stay away from, and establish a plan to help them become active again.
I would rate Tremper (do you mean the Catskills?) as a moderate hike. It's about 5-6 miles with 2000' of elevation gain, actually harder than many of the 35! No cliffs or very steep parts though as I recall, and a restored fire tower at the top for the humans! :D
I would rate the footway as rocky which is both harder on the pads themselves and the joints than a dirt trail

Also note that the present trail goes up a steep flight of stairs then circles on contour to the old road which the trail follows the rest of the way, the gated road is maybe 1/4 mile N of the trailhead near a fishing access sign

Overlook Mtn has both a nicer surface and less elevation gain if you want an alternative
Take her up Overlook and over to Echo Lake. It's all jeep road to the tower and the trail to the lake isn't much rougher, just narrower. This can be a beautiful meander.
Overlook would be better.. Red Hill although short is not a road like overlook...

Re: Mt Tremper, I believe you can take the Long Path which kind of cuts off the flight of stairs if I remember. The parking lot on CR40 eventually meets up with the long path on the woods road you follow for a bit. Check the LP guide though cause I've done Tremper via the trailhead and not the LP which goes through phoenicia and eventually meets with the trail from the south.

Adk_dib said:
Thanks for the advice. I think I will give her some more rest, at least until fall. Then overlook sounds like a nice fall foilage trip.
Just be aware that there are rattlers on this mountain.