Mt. Van Hoevenberg, swimming anyone? Saturday, December 11, 10

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Sep 8, 2003
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Not sure if we should still talked about the Loj Road as the new bridge bed, whose installation is not quite completed yet but almost, wears on its side a large sign that reads: MALTA AVE!

South Meadow Road is now closed and offers good skiing conditions in spite of the thin (6”+) snow cover. Once in the woods the trail is very pretty and would be a great ski as well if so many Red Pines had not fallen during the last wind storm. Once at the beaver pond it veers left to contour the pond but since markers are nowhere to be seen it looks like yesterday a climber failed to notice the various slushy surface area and probably not knowing it had only been cold a few nights ventured on the ice and fell through, thankfully only a couple of feet from the shoreline. So many people wrongly assume that shallow pond water freezes first when it is the opposite, as the earth/ground at the bottom does not freeze and keeps “heating” the bath one will often, even during an extremely cold spell, find sticky snow when crossing a beaver pond in the middle of winter.

There is blowdown here and there all the way to the summit and the trail is wet in numerous locations even as it climbs steeply, the snow got deeper to reach about foot near the very icy three summit ledges. It is a very pleasant climb which offers good views towards the High Peaks, and gave us a chance in spite of a very late start to get back to our car long before dark...