Mt Wash. Race Winning Time: 1:00.54

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What I found impressive was the age of some of the finishers - a 13 yr. old girl, and 11 and 12 yr. old boys. At the other end of the age group a 76 yr. old woman and an 85!! yr. old man. Results
Notice the #10 woman:

10. Jackqueline Gareau, 52, St. Bruno, Quebec - 1:27:08

She was the woman's winner of the 1980 Boston Marathon with a time of 2:34:28 (a course record) who was robbed of her glory by Rosey Ruiz.
Does anybody know what time (GMT time, not race time) did the male/female winners finish on the summit. I was part of a group doing a traverse on Saturday and at noon, when I was just cresting the rockpile headed from the GulfSide trail, I heard some raucious cheering. Not thinking it was for me, and knowing it can't be from the cog, when I summited over the rocks, I could see all the commotion was for the runners finishing at the finish line. Ate lunch in the building for 1/2 an hour and got to talk to some of the runners. Seems like they had a good race since it was misty and not too windy. The wind would pick up later after the race was over but I think I caught most of the later finishers. Summit building was packed full of runners changing into dry clothes and stuff which was interesting.

KLtilton... is a VFTT member... and he finished 5th 1:03 and 1st from the Nh runners.!