Mt Webster...the other one

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spider solo

New member
Sep 4, 2003
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Yes, much to my surprise there are two mountains named Webster in NH (maybe more?).
This one is over by Squam Lake along the Crawford-Ridgepole Trail.

Last year with the scant snow I found myself heading up to the Presidentials searching out the snow though many of the hikes were "crampon hikes".
This year I waited till January before even starting the winter hikes and with the last couple of storms I realized I didn't need to do all that driving to find some good shoeing..thank goodness.

Two weeks ago we hiked up to Mt Morgan a nice easy mnt that was already "broken out" but we snowshoed it anyway and from the summit I saw Mt Webster not that far away.
When I asked how to get there some folks told me I hiked right past the jct for the trail... didn't I see it? turns out the sign was missing, but on the way down I saw where it turned off and it looked untouched, and very inviting.
Today I put the snowshoes on at the trail head and went for it up the Mt Morgan Trail to the jct.
Turning onto the Crawford Ridge Trail off the well packed Morgan Trail I was instantly one happy puppy. No one had been on it all winter or at least since the big Valentine"s Day Storm.

The snow was deep and as I went along. I could often hear a big "whomp" as the snow settled from my foot steps.. sometimes settling 15 or 20 ft around me. It was great to be on such a little used trail...the only post holes were from the animals in the area.
I could see where Moose had bedded down the previous night and different older spots where they had slept here and there.
I knew I was traveling less than 1 mile in an hr,,, figuring I had about a mile and a half to a scenic vista that would tell me that I went beyond the mountain.. if I missed the spur trail to the summit.
Sure enough, after about two and a half hrs I came upon a beautiful over look with views of Squam Lake below.
The sun was out and the wind was howling overhead... very dramatic, very simple. I sat myself down propped up my feet with the snowshoes on and had a very nice lunch before I started heading back, looking for the summit spur trail.
I never found it but, it was easy enough to make a short bush whack to the top... along the way I found another spot where two Moose had slept close together.. probably a mother and her yearling I would guess.
Such big animals, with the snow so deep you would think that a person could see where their bellies would drag along the snow as they post holed their way along but I have never seen sign of that.

The route back to the Morgan Trail was, of course, much easier so I was able to trim about an hr off my return time and scoot up the summit of Mt Morgan just for the heck of it hoping to see the sun set.
Heading back down in the dusk I was accompanied by hoots, howls and some of the strangest sounds a person can ever hope to hear from our
Owl a big time of year for them, courtship et al.

Guess they just want to spread the news!
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The Squam Range (Crawford-Ridgepole Trail) is really a treat. I have hiked parts of it at different times but my most pleasant was an end to end (Cotton Mtn. to and including part of the Bearcamp River Trail) after a fresh snowfall. No one had been on any of it except the Morgan/Percival loop and trail finding was interesting in sections. A crisp, blue sky day that turned into a star-filled night as we reached Doublehead Mtn. Hiking on by headlamp was spectacular!!

Some of these ‘other’ ranges don’t get the attention they deserve – maybe that’s a good thing. :)
spider solo said:
had a very nice lunch before I started heading back, looking for the summit spur trail.
I never found it but, it was easy enough to make a short bush whack to the top...
When I climbed Webster there wasn't a spur trail and the summit was off the trail

The probable high point of the entire Squam Range (between M&P) doesn't have a trail either

along the way I found another spot where two Moose had slept close together.. probably a mother and her yearling I would guess.
Such big animals, with the snow so deep you would think that a person could see where their bellies would drag along the snow as they post holed their way along but I have never seen sign of that.
I also found a moose bed right in the middle of a trail last week, they had shed enough hairs to collect

Just a little update
Moday I noticed that the Ridgepoll Trail over to Mt Percival had not been broken out since the more recent snow, so I returned Wed 3-7-07 for some more snowshoeing.
Once I got over to Percival I saw that others had shoe'd up the mountain on the Percival Trail, which turned out to be pretty helpful as I would have been a bit confused as to where to head down.

Percival had great views an plenty of sunshine through out the day.
Nice open woods on the way down. The snow on this side was a little crunchy with a thin crust so when steping off trail it was easy to get tripped up, depending where you were.

Excellent example of where a porcupine waddled along leaving that trench like trail that they make with their quills dragging beside them. You could even see the little foot prints in the middle.

Chilly temps had the trees "popping" as I went along.

I used the Morse Trail as a connector between the two trails, (Morgan & Percival). It wasn't on my map (from the SLA) but it was much safer and more interesting than doing a road walk

Turkeys not far from the trail head.

Moday was absolutely one of the quitest days in the woods. Wed when I arrived, jets were buzzing over head low to the ground but after a while it stopped.
I would like to learn if that is random or happens at regular scheduled times that good be avoided .
All in all a beautiful sunny day ! I would love to hike it end for end like Carole mentioned.
I would do it again. I see that I can order a map from the SLA website ( But wonder which I need/want. There is a “Range Map” for $6.00 and a “Limited Edition Trail Map” for $15.00. Anyone know the difference? The site doesn’t say.
The map that came in the small boolket "Squam Trail Guide" is simply called the Squam Trail Map, which I really like and it has a nice view of the surrounding areas as well as the lake.
So that really doesn't answer your question. Perhaps you'll have to give them a call to find out which map is which.

rocksnrolls if your looking for someone to spot a car I could be tempted....