My thanks.

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Well-known member
Apr 26, 2004
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Thank you everyone for easing our burden. The magnitude of this tragedy is so overwhelming.

Your support is very important to us. There have been so many words written that have touched us deeply. Thank you. You know who you are.

The hiking community's presence, spiritual and physical, during this past week has been a huge support for me. (I prefer to refer to us all as a community as opposed to a web forum).

My relationship with everyone in my life has changed permanently and that obviously includes the members of this community.

My social life did not really develop upon settling in Montreal because I poured my energy into my family and practice, learning a new language at the same time. Even after 15 years I still only had my flute playing and my running as activities outside of work and family. I never went on the computer for non-work related reasons.

Then, the combination of discovering the Adirondacks, followed by the hiking community opened my life up dramatically. We hikers have a talent for becoming close very quickly. There is a depth in our activity that I don’t think exists in many others. Sharing it, either by hiking together or by reading each other and interacting on the forums, draws us together. That is why, in this time of need, the very human support here is going a long, long way.

I will never stop hiking. We will be there for the 46 in February.

I don’t know when I’ll do Marcy for my W, maybe soon. It will of course be tinged with sadness but I will still celebrate. You are all invited to join my celebration.

In Lake Louise Dominic had become a leader and a teacher. I don’t quite understand where he is leading me right now but one day I’m going to find out.