N&S Twin, Galehead, & Garfield - 7/14/2007 (changed date)


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Well-known member
Jul 18, 2005
Reaction score
Nashua, NH
Let's try this one again!

Sunday currently looks like the better weather day for the weekend. So, we'll hike. :D

The plan is to hike North Twin, South Twin, Galehead, and Garfield. With an early start this hike can be completed by late afternoon. We’ll head out on the N. Twin Trail and finish on the Mount Garfield Trail, and hit the North Twin Spur, Twinway, Frost Trail, and Garfield Ridge Trail along the way.

We should be at the Galehead Hut around lunch time. We can re-supply water there and at the Garfield Ridge Campsite (if needed).

The raw numbers: 15.5 miles, 4,950 feet, and 10hr. 20min book time.

I hike at a moderate speed typically averaging book time. Early start in this case means 7:00am – 7:30am. We should be back at the trailhead lot for the Mount Garfield Trail between 5:00pm and 6:00pm.

We'll plan to meet at the trailhead lot for the Garfield Trail at ~7:00am, consolidate into one vehicle and head for Haystack Road for trailhead of the N. Twin Trail, and our start at ~7:30am.

Currently, we have three definites - and one possible.

If this hike interests you please respond to this thread or by PM.


Change of plans!

Hike on Saturday, 7/14/2007

Here we go again.

The various weather sites are all forecasting Sunday to be a tough day. The probability of precipitation is as high as 70%. The numbers vary a little but the story is generally the same.

The forecast for Saturday is also consistent from the various sites – great conditions all day! Based on the forecasts, Saturday should be ideal.

Consequently, I am moving the hike to Saturday. I have sent a PM to everybody that had expressed an interest in the hike. Hopefully those intending to hike on Sunday can make the change in their plans and join the hike on Saturday instead. I know at least part of the planned group can make the change.

Everything else remains the same. We’ll plan to meet at the trailhead lot for the Mount Garfield Trail at 7:00am, consolidate vehicles, and head for Haystack Road targeting a 7:30am start. We should be back to the vehicles between 5:00pm and 6:00pm.

If you’re interested in this hike, please respond to this thread or by PM.

Sorry for the change.
