N.Twin Trail maintenance Aug.28th.


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Aug 17, 2009
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:)Anyone want to help out VFTT adopters Glenn S and Bruce on thier adopted trail. we hope to install some rock steps, a waterbar or two and maybe some hardening.If you have digging tools it would help if you can bring them.
We will meet at 8:30 at the trail head.You may PM me or Glenn.:cool:
As Hal said, we have plans to work on the section of the North Twin Trail between the 2nd and 3rd water crossings. This area is 1.3 to 1.5 miles from the trailhead and follows an old railroad grade for most of the distance. This is an area which features several reroutes off the old grade. Unfortunately, when they made the reroutes, not much thought was given to erosion control. So the plan for the day is to put in a few steps to stabilize the slope and improve the footing.

If you're in the area, please stop by and say hello. If you can't make this trip, we'd like to see you at the next trip. There are several more planned for this year. For more information, check out the Trailwrights website at www.trailwrights.org.

We'd love to see you there. :), Hope to see you on Saturday,
This is an area which features several reroutes off the old grade. Unfortunately, when they made the reroutes, not much thought was given to erosion control. So the plan for the day is to put in a few steps to stabilize the slope and improve the footing.
A similar situation exists on the Gale River Trail, and the FS decided the best way to fix it was to reroute the trail onto the other side and eliminate the 2 crossings. Have you considered that here?
A similar situation exists on the Gale River Trail, and the FS decided the best way to fix it was to reroute the trail onto the other side and eliminate the 2 crossings. Have you considered that here?

I don't have all the facts, but I understand that a reroute of a trail is a considerable undertaking which requires several impact studies. I can't see the FS committing the resources to a relo. They barely have the resources to perfrom basic maintenance on many trails.

I would like to see the FS improve (bridge, large step stones) the first crossing and then extend the trail on the West side of the river to eliminate the 2nd and 3rd crossings. I won't be holding my breathe waiting for it to happen. I have suggested it to the FS but it's a bit more than an adopter can do.

>I can't see the FS committing the resources to a relo. They barely
>have the resources to perfrom basic maintenance on many trails.

Molly signed the decision memo and the Gale River relo will happen this fall

>I would like to see the FS improve (bridge, large step stones) the
>first crossing and then extend the trail on the West side of the river
>to eliminate the 2nd and 3rd crossings.

Why is this better than improving the 1-2 herd path and the 3rd crossing? If you flagged both routes I'll bet the FS would look.

> I have suggested it to the FS but it's a bit more than an adopter can do.

Sure, but if the Trailwrights wouldn't make it an official project I'll bet you'd get plenty of volunteers right here.

Trailwrights could make it a project for next year but lets take a good look first.It would be up to the FS to approve any relo and often wondered why it has not been done earlier.It could be discussed at our next meeting to see if there is enough interest.

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