Nancy Carrigain - Saturday 9/10

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Well-known member
Oct 21, 2004
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Kill Kaso, MA
All you Catskills people, don't get mad that I'm posting 2 trips for Saturday. I'm just trying to see if there's interest anywhere.

I'm thinking about doing a cute hike. Nancy Pond Trail, Norcross Pond, Mt. Nancy, Carrigain via. Desolation then Signal Ridge, Carrigain Notch and back out via. the Ponds. I know it makes more sense to do a car spot but I am adamant that I want to walk Carrigain/Carrigain Notch as a loop in this trip.

If there's not interest, or if there is interest in my Catskills Trip I will leave this for another weekend. This has potential as a backpacking trip that could include Vose Spur, Lowell, Anderson, Duck Pond and Duck Pond Mountain. I'm interested in seeing this supposed trail to Duck Pond Mountain.

So this could be for tomorrow (Day Hike Only) or for another weeekend. Post Away!

-Dr. Wu
Here's the plan... Overnight Adventure

~7am @ Nancy Pond TH
Going to Nancy Pond & Norcross Pond with Heavy Pack.
Set up camp near Norcross Pond, head over to Carrigain. Do the Carragain loop & return to Norcross Pond.
From Norcross Pond, do Mt. Nancy and maybe Duck Pond Mountain.
~6am Sunday, pack up camp and leave. Head to Nancy Pond TH, drive to Hairpin Turn TH for FOT48.

Anyone interested, PM me or post here.

-Dr. Wu
Did you do this or save it for another day? Looks like fun.
Saved for another day. Frodo and I considered it last Sunday but we worried about how boggy it would be so we did the Willey Range instead. I'd like very much to do this hike on a nice fall day (eh-hem -- next Friday?) and possibly do Nancy in addition. Still have to get up to Duck Pond Mountain some day as well. Lemme know if you're interested.

-Dr. Wu
I'd bet that the Nancy Pond trail is likely to remain very boggy above the headwall for some time if that area has had anything like the rain we've gotten in the Boston area over the last week+. The area around the ponds, especially the far end of Norcross, is one of my favorite places in all the world, and is generally less travelled than many other areas in the WMNF.