NE100 Finale on Big Jay! - 10/25

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Double Bow

New member
Apr 29, 2005
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Ashuelot, NH (anyone know where that is?) Avatar:
With Scar Ridge now behind me, I just have one peak left for my New England Hundred Highest list: Big Jay. Looking at my calendar today, I saw that November is all booked up for me so, since I want to do this before the snow flies, it seems as though I have to do it this Saturday. I'd love to have a bunch of folks join me for this. It'll be my third big list completion of the year and it requires no wacking (though you're free to if you want :D). I'm also interested in looking into any nearby campgrounds, cabins, or bunkhouses so we can party it up Friday night and/or Saturday. Anyone have an suggestions for a place?

I'm planning to go up via The LT. Who's interested in joining me? Anyone? Anyone?!? Don't make me drink alone!