Need advice on Bearpen and Vly

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Feb 27, 2006
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Long Island, NY Avatar: The REAL Dylan goe
I'm heading up to hike Bearpen and Vly tomorrow morning (3/10) and need some advice on the best place to start from. I had done some research and the consensus I had was to park on Halcott Mtn road on the south side of the col. One of the hikers that is going says that she checked out the parking and access situation and that parking was tight and there was a house on the end of the road, supposedly owned by a 3500 club member, who we needed to get permission from to access the entry trail.

She also said she had talked to another hiker who recommended parking on the north side of the col on CR3 (via CR2 off 23a) where there is more parking and not so much posted land.

So my question is: what's the deal? Is there a preferred point of entry? Can I get some advice, please? Also, if we go from the south, is there someone I need to contact who I can call tonight to arrange for permission?

kmorgan said:
I'm heading up to hike Bearpen and Vly tomorrow morning (3/10) and need some advice on the best place to start from. I had done some research and the consensus I had was to park on Halcott Mtn road on the south side of the col. One of the hikers that is going says that she checked out the parking and access situation and that parking was tight and there was a house on the end of the road, supposedly owned by a 3500 club member, who we needed to get permission from to access the entry trail.

She also said she had talked to another hiker who recommended parking on the north side of the col on CR3 (via CR2 off 23a) where there is more parking and not so much posted land.

So my question is: what's the deal? Is there a preferred point of entry? Can I get some advice, please? Also, if we go from the south, is there someone I need to contact who I can call tonight to arrange for permission?

I've always gone up from the South and never had any problems in any season. Just leave a note in your window that you are hiking and when you expect to be back (dated).
From what I remember I pulled off to the side of the rd. There is no Town ord that says no parking on the side of the rd. long as you dont blocked traffic. There is a bunch of posted signs. but that is everything off to the sides of the rd going to the col. The access rd to the col is public rd