Need an ultralight Southern Mainiac (or SE NH) backpacker

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Nov 8, 2003
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If it ain't snowin' there, we ain't goin' there.
No, not your weight, your pack weight. Are you an ultralight advocate who would like a chance to proselytize to the uneducated masses? Here's your chance.

The Town of York, the York School Department, the York Public Library, and several other organizations sponsor an annual community-wide read-one-book program. This year's chosen title is "A Walk in the Woods" by Bill Bryson.

On Wednesday, March 14, 7:00 p.m., at the Kittery Trading Post in Kittery, ME, I'm doing a presentation for the program titled "Two Views of Packing for Backpacking -- Was Katz Really Wrong?" The idea is to demonstrate the relative merits of the "regular" way of packing and the ultralight way.

I'm more "regular" than "ultralight" (in both senses of that word. :eek: ) If you're interested in sharing the podium to pitch the ultralight philosophy, with your gear available for inspection, shoot me a private message with your ultralight creds. Note: There's no money in it for you except possibly gas money.