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New member
Sep 4, 2003
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Thornton, NH
Dear Knowledgeable ones:

I know this is a tad early to plan, yet I thought I would throw it out to the gang anyway. Sometime at the end of June or early July I plan on taking a few days off and doing a three or four day trip. Obviously, an easy loop would be the Pemi Loop. I could park my car at the Wilderness Trail and either head to the ridge or head to Guyot, depending on how long or short of a first day I want. I have done the loop several times and always love the Bonds, as well as the Franconia Ridge.

However, I was trying to figure out a way of doing the Presidentials as a loop with a car parked only at one location. I could use the shuttle as a second means of transportation, so I was trying to decide on a nice loop, and this is where I need some assistance.

If I park at Pinkham, I can take the 8:00am shuttle over to Appalachia and hike to the Perch. Now this is where it gets a tad difficult. What do I do the next day? Hiking to Nauman from the Perch is too much of a hoof for me, so what other options do I have? The designated site just north of Isolation might be doable, but it looks about the same distance. If I did make it to Isolation, I suppose I could hike over to Nauman on the third day and then back to my car on the forth via Crawford and down Tucks. Or, I could park my car at Appalachia or Mt. Clinton Road and take the shuttle, yet it seems I’m still stuck with a huge second day.

I would prefer to take the shutttle in the beginning of the trip and hike to my car. I would also prefer to stay at designated sites because I do enjoy the company, but I also would rather not be awakened by Mr. Ranger telling me my tent is only 199.5 feet from the trail and not 200 as required. Any thoughts?
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Is there a shuttle from pinkham notch to crawford notch? I did the presidentials as a loop last summer. Day 1 from crawford notch over to tuckerman's ravine. Day 2 from tuck's to mt washington, over to madison and adams and taking the AT back to pinkham notch. Day 1 was pretty easy, day 2 was long. I wrote a trip report on it, if you have any interest in the specifics.
king tut said:
Day 1 from crawford notch over to tuckerman's ravine. Day 2 from tuck's to mt washington, over to madison and adams and taking the AT back to pinkham notch. .

Where did you stay the first night? Harvard Cabin or at the shelter? I would prefer not to drop down to HC or to the shelter.
I'd say start at Crawford Notch, go towards Boot Spur and over to Pinkham. Continue on the AT South and back to your car. That'll give you plenty of mileage options for the first few days until you hit the presis. If you wanted to do it in 3 days:
-1: start at Crawford, go to Boot Spur and over to Pinkham, sleep there.
-2: Go towards Madison, sleep at the Perch
-3: Hike out the Crawford Path to your car

If you were to do it in 4 days I'd stop and sleep at Rocky Branch #2 or around that area, that way you won't kill yourself with high mileage (and the downhill thigh-killing slog down Boot Spur) on the first day out.
we stayed at Hermit lake, which was very nice. We lost all the elevation from above the ravine, but it was a beautiful spot to watch the sun set in the ravine, and lion's head was a nice morning hike. Maybe 4k vertical each day, give or take. Day 2 was a good 15 miles though on tough presidential rocks. Definitely pooped when we were done, and it was getting dark.
The AMC Shuttle is not the only option for dropping; we used the "Shuttle Connection" ([email protected]) for about $45 each from lower Crawford Notch to Franconia; they can get you around. The AMC Shuttle ( does go through Crawford Notch.

We hiked from Franconia to Madison, stopping at Nauman and the Perch. The hike to the Perch was indeed a long day and we had to forego both Monroe and Jefferson to get there in time for a spot.

The drop to Hermit Lake is a step backward elevation-wise, but it's not too bad.

We also used the Osgood Tentsite (it was a bit ratty!) after the Perch, which was beautiful.

It may be a drag (or not), but Lakes cuts your whole gig neatly in two; maybe that's the ticket.

Lastly, it is possible to find a spot down the Ammo that the Rangers will leave you alone about.

Good luck, sounds like fun!

If you're willing to use the huts, a Presidential loop is simplified. My inference from your post is that you are not, but here's a nice itinerary that I've done. No shuttle required.
  1. Park at Pinkham. Destination is Mizpah Hut. Direttissima, Glen Boulder Trail, Davis Path, Isolation Trail, Dry River Trail, Mt. Eisenhower Trail, Dry River Cutoff, Mt. Clinton Trail. A little above treeline plus exploring the Dry River Wilderness.
  2. Destination is Lakes Hut. Webster Cliff Trail, Crawford Path. There should be plenty of time left in the day to explore the above-treeline terrain, a junkfood expedition to the summit of Mt. Washington, or both.
  3. Destination is Madison Hut. The Northern Presidentials; it doesn't get any better. Crawford Path, Westside Trail, Gulfside Trail.
  4. Destination is your car. Up and over Mt. Madison, down the Osgood Trail, Osgood Cutoff, Great Gulf Trail, Madison Gulf Trail, across the Auto Road to Old Jackson Road, and Pinkham.
Typically, the 4th of July weekend can resemble Disney Land with the throngs of hikers visiting the back country. With that in mind, I’ve decided to head to the designated campsite just north of Mt. Isolation for my first night. I will park at Pinkham and take Tuckerman’s to the Boott Spur Link to Boott Spur to Davis Path and camp for the night. The second day I will head to the Perch. Hopefully, most of the weekend crowd would have thinned out by Wednesday, and I will have a good shot at securing a spot. If not, I can always head to Gray or Crag. The third day I will head back to the ridge and hike over Adams and Madison and then head back to Pinkham. The longest day is the hike from Isolation to the Perch, which is 10 miles. However, once I hike back up over Boott Spur, the hike to Clay should be relatively easy. I can bypass both the peaks of Clay and Jefferson if time is at all an issue. This itinerary seems to afford me the best opportunity to do a Northern Presidential loop without the need of a car spot. I'll save the Southern Presidentials for another visit.
some great suggestions here -

have you condsidered something in the great gulf??- It is great with many opps for loops, plenty of legal camping, water, trails of all levels, really fun!

you could even park your car at pinkham and do a big loop, staying at in the gulf one night, the perch or valley way one night, the site by pierce, and then hoof it to hermit lake and hike out the last day. you could stay at lakes as a backpacker for less than the high price they charge for a bunk. - not sure where they put you -tho - if its the shelter room, I would not do that - think prison cell.
I have looked at the Gulf as a possible option if I’m too tired on the third day to hike back to Pinkham. I do like the Isolation option for two reasons. First, I doubt the designated campsite will be crowed, even on a holiday weekend. And if it is, I know of a few other spots along the Davis Path were I can camp. Two, watching the sunset on Isolation is always a treat. If no one is camping, you have the summit to yourself. What better way to end a day than to look at Oakes Gulf during sunset.

My aim for this trip is to spend as much time above tree line as possible. The hike from Isolation to the Perch should afford me ever opportunity to savor my above tree line trek. Obviously weather will be the deal breaker on whether or not I go. With most of my trek being above tree line, I do not plan on pissing off the weather gods by exhibiting hubris. After all, it certainly didn’t help Agamemnon.
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Are the northern presis a requirement? If you took the southern approach you might be pleasantly pleased.

Possible Itinerary:

Day 1: Start at the Dry river TH and head for the Isolation Junction. There are numerous campsites here. If you still have energy, head up Isolation for an awesome view of Washington/southern Presis.

Day 2: Head up Oake's gulf, or for a more scenic route, head up Isolation to Davis path, and then down to Madison Hut. You could either stay the night in Madison Hut, or continue hiking and find a place below treeline to stay for the night. If everyone is feeling well, a side-trip out to Jefferson is do-able.

Day 3: Hike the remaining Southern presidentials. There is a Trail off the back side of Jackson that leads down to the 0.5 mile mark on the dry river trail.

Water: Not on Davis Path

One of the considerations for the Presis is to remember where the water is -- and isn't. As I recall, there's almost no water on Davis Path and is only spotty elsewhere.

Just one consideration...,

--M. said:
One of the considerations for the Presis is to remember where the water is -- and isn't. As I recall, there's almost no water on Davis Path and is only spotty elsewhere.

Just one consideration...,


There is water on the East section of the Isolation Trail. I can also refill at Lakes on my way to the Perch. As well as a spring near Clay and Jefferson.

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