New Catskills Map from National Geographic

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Sep 3, 2003
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Near the Adirondack Blue Line
Although this isn't the most opportune time to introduce a new map, National Geographic has come out with a new one to the Catskill Park that has been in the works for quite a while. It is similar in format to their others, namely their 5 map set for the Adirondacks.

Double sided, large (37" x 25.5"), waterproof, with public/private land shown in contrasting colors. Trails are numbered, with icons for parking, camping, leantos, fishing, swimming, and paddling.

Unfortunately, it has some drawbacks. Nat'l Geo incorporated the USGS data, which means the errors on the USGS quads are repeated here as well as some trail errors.
I have a problem with any map that uses so much of its footprint with insets, trying to be a 'hiking guide on a map'. In this case there are far too many insets: The name and corresponding trail numbers for 117 trails, Guidelines for Outdoor Recreation, Leave No Trace, plugs for 3 unnecessary but worthwhile hiking/stewardship organizations, Stream Crossings, Waterfall Safety, Weather, Heat, Hypothermia, Winter Gear, Bear Safety, If you become Lost or Injured', DEC, DEP.
So instead of all of those square inches ( 2.7 square feet ) dedicated to mountains and trails, it's a map, guidebook, and a nanny all rolled up in one.

It's nice to have a large map with so much on it, but there are deficiencies that will bother people. The map concentrates on the highlighted 3500' peaks. That's a plus for some and less so for others. Unlike the Venture Out map, the NG map is largely about the Catskill Park not the Catskill mountains. The font, contour lines and colors make it easier to read than the last edition of the VO map, but it's suffers in many ways to the more accurate NYNJTC maps, and the VO map's accuracy and wider range of mountains covered.

The map will appeal to hikers who appreciate having so much on one large, double-sided map(a disadvantage to many). And a nice at-a-glance map for getting around the Catskill Park with its sometimes confusing road navigation. It's an interesting addition to Catskill maps and I'm certain they'll sell a boat load of them.
I like the sectioned maps of the NYNJTC, they are small enough to hike with and less cumbersome. Of course, the idea is the big map, just scanned in and printed as desired, but out of the box, I've always prefered the smaller maps to use. The big maps are great for planning.. I think I voted the smaller maps when the VO maps came out, but must of been outvoted...

I totally agree with Peakbagr's comments about the new Nat Geo maps.

The new Nat Geo maps are about the same size as the last VO maps. But, I counted at least 50 mistakes on the Nat Geo maps. The trails are not GPS'ed, so there are inaccuracies. In some cases, trails like KHP from the Devil's Kitchen, are grossly wrong. They are also many missing names to roads. Important roads to TH's often do not have names. The boundary for state and private land is also very confusing.

But, if you use Nat Geo maps in the ADK's, you may like this map. But, many of us locals were spoiled with VO maps.

The new Nat Geo map is not available for sale yet, but should be available shortly. It is map #755. When it becomes available, you can get it at

In my humble opinion, NY/NJ TC maps are the best maps right now for the Catskills.
Just curious, Alan, with whom does NatGeo consult when doing these map projects? Sounds like this one has some significant flaws.
I figured it was only a matter of time before NG added a Catskills Map to their lineup.

The new Green Mountain National Forest maps also have numerous flaws (thread). It seems that maybe they've been putting more effort into getting new maps out as fast as possible lately (they've just released the GMNF, the Allagash, and now the Catskills Map). Perhaps they need to slow down a bit and do some more proofing...

EDIT: It looks like they consulted the ADK for this map. I wonder if the NYNJTC or the 3500 club were consulted at all?
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Perhaps they need to slow down a bit and do some more proofing...

They were handed the problems on a "silver platter". But, apparently they didn't see the list before the maps were printed (?). They should have waited until Spring to release the maps.

They had a number of very knowledgeable people to point out the flaws. Many of the flaws were sent to them within 24 hours of receiving the preliminary map.

But yes...they were in too much of a hurry.
EDIT: It looks like they consulted the ADK for this map. I wonder if the NYNJTC or the 3500 club were consulted at all?
The 3500 Club was not consulted, at least not the board members.

The NYNJTC Map was run by us and we did submit comments, which were taken into account.
The new Catskills maps are out, at least they were at ADK HQ in Lake George this morning.
While some of us may see things that could really be improved, 95% of the public will give the map high grades for the consolidation of information, double sides and waterproof paper. Saw some people look it over today and they were impressed with the overall package.