New Long Path trail to summit of Plateau?

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Jan 27, 2005
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I hiked from Prediger Rd. to 214 over Twin, Sugarloaf and Plateau today and noticed a new trail heading south from the summit of Plateau, part of the Long Path. When was this cut? I don't remember seeing it when last up there in 2006.
The trail was essentially completed last autumn (2006), however, the connection to the Devil's Path was left uncut so that the trail could officially open on National Trails Day, 2007. It traverses the SW ridge of Plateau Mountain and connects to the existing Long Path (a.k.a. Warner Creek Trail) at Silver Hollow Notch. There are reportedly several views along the new trail on Plateau. The route was shown as proposed on the eighth edition (2005) of the NY/NJ map #41. There is also a new parking area at the end of Notch Road accessible from Route 214 at Edgewood.
Mark Schaefer said:
There is also a new parking area at the end of Notch Road accessible from Route 214 at Edgewood.

Really? When I parked to do Silver Hollow, I drove up North Inn Road past the last house on the right, around a switchback and right in front of a State Forest sign at a place where there was a dirt road off to the right and the trail (long Path) went straight over a tiny creek.

Where did NYS put the "parking lot", is that right turn the actual parking lot cause I thought it was private land and an access point to a plot of land/house.

Jay H said:
Really? When I parked to do Silver Hollow, I drove up North Inn Road past the last house on the right, around a switchback and right in front of a State Forest sign at a place where there was a dirt road off to the right and the trail (long Path) went straight over a tiny creek.

Where did NYS put the "parking lot", is that right turn the actual parking lot cause I thought it was private land and an access point to a plot of land/house.
The parking area is further up the road. It is described in the second post of this Silver Hollow/Edgewood thread. You must be signed up as a member at to view this Catskill 100 Highest thread, so I will excerpt for others to view:
Come off the highway at Edgewood. There's a good dirt road. After driving up near 2 houses that are on the right side of the road, I drove up to where it starts to steepen. Concerned I couldn't get my car back down it, I parked on the side of the road near the houses(State land on the left side), and walked up the road. In about 5 minutes I came to a parking area where there were 4-5 cars parked, all hikers judging from the window stickers and inside gear.
So drive right up the road to the parking area and you should be good to go.​
It sounds like Notch Inn Road leading to it may still look a bit intimidating which is not unusual for some Catskill trailheads. If you were last there in the winter perhaps the road was not plowed to the parking area.

I have not yet seen the new trailhead parking lot myself. I had hoped to do a loop hike on the new trail in May, but I decided to wait until after the Devil's Path was reopened on Plateau by the ADK chain saw crew. The Devil's Path is now cleared and open as reported in this thread and on the Catskill 3500 yahoo group listserver.
Hmm, I saw your link. I parked where I believe Alan parked but I parked because I didn't want to risk damaging my car. Unless they've improved the road past where the dirt road turns to the right, I wouldn't drive my Subaru up past where I parked unless I had a differential plate and underbody armor, a winch and a low-gear transfer case like a Jeep would have. There is a HUGE rut in the middle full of large sized bolders and no way I would want anything less than perhaps a tank with treads. Maybe Alan parked down below cause he didn't mention the switchback, but I did drive up past the last house on the road, then turned up the sharp switchback and then by state land on the left side. However, I just parked off the side of the road, not really in any "parking lot"

Thanks Jay. Word to the wise: Proceed with caution on Notch Inn Road.

I reread Alan's post on the Silver Hollow/Edgewood Thread and compared it to the maps. You might be right that Alan's parking area was lower on the road than the last house on the right. I was thinking it must be further up. I will proceed with caution - I don't risk my cars on washed out roads either (at least not intentionally). I will report back what I find unless someone beats me to it. It may be a few weeks before I do the Long Path - Devil's Path loop hike on Plateau.

It sounds like you parked in the same spot where I did both of the times that I hiked this area (late 1970s and 2001) - on the left side of the road, just past the last house on the right.