New Northville-Placid Trail Closure Sign

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Sorry if this is old news to many.

I just received an email from Richard Fenton (Supervising Forestor for NYSDEC) in response to my inquiry about the future NP re-route. He informed me that the plan is still in internal review and most likely wont be approved till next year.

They will be posting new signs about the closure which will more closely reflect the land owners wishes.

"FYI, the closure situation at the Macaluso property has changed somewhat. Mr. Macaluso no longer wants anyone contacting him for approval to hike through. We are removing the old signs and replacing them with slightly modified ones. See attached."

This is more in line with what Mr. Macalusco expressed to me when I contacted him for my last thru-hike. Here is the text of the new sign.



Part of the Northville-Lake Placid Trail is
Closed to Local Travel

The part of the Northville-Lake Placid Trail on private land formerly known as McCane’s Resort on Cedar River Road is closed to those seeking nearby destinations. It remains open only to long-distance hikers.

• The only use permitted is foot travel as part of a project to complete the Northville-Lake Placid Trail from end to end.

• No parking on the property is permitted under any circumstances.

• All those whose destination is Stephens Pond or Cascade Pond must use the trail from Lake Durant Campground on Route 28.

• Permission for public use is temporary, pending a permanent relocation of the Northville-Lake Placid Trail being planned by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.

For more information, contact:

Supervising Forester Richard Fenton
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
P.O. Box 1316
Northville, NY 12134
Telephone: 518/863-4545
E-mail: [email protected]