New Square Tree Controversy

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Oct 27, 2004
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Avatar: "World's Windiest Place" Stamp (5/27/06)
NH foresters have developed square trees. This is not the result of genetic engineering per se but MAS, market assisted selection. Nevertheless, they are controversial. Loggers love 'em. Easier and more efficient to stack and truck to mills. Tree huggers and bears hate 'em. Harder to get your arms around. Squirrels won't like them either. They spiral up a tree. Love 'em or hate 'em, they'll be ready for market April 1, 2009. Details here
Square logs/splits would fit in my wood stove better too! ;) :D :p ;)

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Mathematicians have known about these for years. They grow from square roots.
I'm going out on a limb here and will wait to see what the square trees 'leave'.
dentonfabrics said:
Uh-huh....aren't you a couple of days late with that story Waumbek? Three days to be exact? ;)
I don't think Waumbek got round to it in time...
hey Chip, that surely doesn't look like any peak I'm familiar with in Western CT... :eek: :p

(Hope you guys have a great trip) ;)

Cube-shaped watermelons

Some time back in the ice age that preceeded this net age I read a story about the development of a cuboid melon, by the Japanese. It was engineered to grow in that shape so that it would be easier to transport and fit into cube shaped packaging. Now trees! What will be next....radishes grown to resemble roses?