New Trail opened to Swede Mountain Fire Tower

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Tom Rankin

Well-known member
Sep 28, 2004
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Bloomville, New York
Warren County, NYS FFLA, and others worked together to create a new trail to this old fire tower.

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It's a very wide trail, switch-backing thru a lot of slash, and losing elevation 8 times before reaching the top. But they did do a lot of good work on the tower, and opened up views even for those unwilling to climb the tower.

If you plan to go, go soon, it's closed from 9/11 - 12/9 for hunting season, as most of the trail passes thru private property.

I was very pleased to hear the county say they had budgeted money for maintenance, something the state often fails to do...
Thanks for the heads-up. Swede Mountain was an old family favorite. My father and I were disappointed when we went to hike it (?? years ago) and found the trail to have been closed.

Thanks. Been waiting for this to officially open up since my last “new” fire-tower peak … Stillwater Mountain way out in the boonies. Gonna hit it up on Friday … hopefully with the wife and kiddo. :D
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Nice hike, great views from the tower. Lots of folks out enjoying the trail today. Obviously freshly cut.

One correction though. The graphic on the Channel 10 story indicates that the trailhead is on Route 8 … 21.8 miles from Northway Exit 25. It is not. It is 12.3 miles east (“north” on 8) from the Exit.
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