New Winter Snack - B&M Brown Bread

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In Rembrance , July 2024
VFTT Supporter
Sep 3, 2003
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Gorham NH
There is a small but rabid fan club for B&M Brown Bread on Whiteblaze. For those growing up in Maine or New England in general, B&M beans, red hot dogs and B&M brown bread was a standard meal for many households in the sixties and probably fifties. It was also standard fare for the local scout troops as the factory in Portland was real generous on donations. B&M Brown Bread seems to be seasonal at many stores although it can be ordered through Walmart by the case. I had not had it for years but given the whiteblaze thread I picked up a can the other day at Hannafords in North Conway. For those not familiar with it, it comes in a standard "tin" can. To get it out of the can, both ends have to be removed with a can opener and then the resulting bread is pushed out and sliced. Its very dense stuff like dense spongecake and fairly calorie dense. It uses molasses as a base. Despite it going on 30 years since I last had it, I remembered the taste at the first bite. I sure didnt want the whole can in one sitting so I froze 1/2 inch thick slices. They firm up when in the freezer but its definitely not solid and can be eaten directly out of the freezer with no thawing without risking teeth being chipped. The slices are fairly robust but expect they would deform if smashed down. The texture at room temp is bit sticky but when cold the slices are not that sticky but I would suggest some wax paper or plastic wrap between slices. I got the version with Raisins but they do not seem to impart much taste. If you like Molasses based treats it may be a calorie dense winter hiking fuel to try. Note the label claims they have minimal fat so probably better for daytime easily digestible trail "fuel" rather than nightime fat based fuel. If you have kids around the house they will probably have some interesting comments ;)

The normal household use is to heat up slices in a toaster oven and slather it with butter or fry it up with butter. Some folks remember having spread it with Cream Cheese but I do not. I ran into some folks who hunted together at a long gone deer camp when I was growing up and they had it for breakfast frying it in bacon grease. Definitely it was around long before the term health food was coined but for winter trail food it seems to check off a lot of the things that make it a good fit. There may be use by dates on the cans but my guess is it probably would last decades until opened.
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Mmmm, brown bread. We ate a couple cans over the summer and my wife and I cracked ourselves up by saying "BrownBread" like we were saying "Redrum" from the Shining.

That's all I got. Anyway I endorse both this thread and brown bread.
Is this supposed to be a thread about when it was still considered good etiquette to carry one’s food if only partially in a can? I really do like to go light but nothing like the days of B&M and Hormel Cans. I will admit when it comes to sardines and kipper snacks even the best of me digs deep for that challenge. Not really sure about the Brown Bread but I guess that’s where saltines and cheese whiz filled the cracks.
I can vouch for the seventies as well as the sixties! I still buy and love it, especially drenched in butter.

What doesn't? :D

How about 2020"s? We still enjoy the meal
I have always enjoyed that bread. My father loved it and got me to like it as well. Been awhile since I had any, it just made the shopping list. Microwave with butter.