NH3K finish in the north country


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Nov 16, 2012
Reaction score
Montréal, QC
We had 6 peaks left to complete the NH3k. On saturday morning, we went to Pittsburg to take the Cedar Stream rd. / Pisgah mountain rd. to first reach Pisgah (1 mile easy bushwhack from the road). We went further on that road than turned on a road I'm not sure of the name, we parked at the dead end, less than a mile from our next destination, N.W. Crystal (also a easy bushwhack, at least if you don't mind going through a lot of hobble bush).

We looked at the map and decided that the other closest peaks would be better done from the south, the next day, but we decided to check Corser brook rd. anyway and reach Rice from there (instead of from the 26). We found a side road that gave us some extra elevation. Again, lot of hobble bush / raspberries to go through, but nice open woods towards the top.

We camped at Coleman state park.

Sunday, went back to Corser brook rd. and first headed towards Blue Ridge N. from the west. That road was rough, we couldn't have made it to the end with our previous, low-clearance car. Bushwack was short, but again... hobble bush and raspberries and nice open wood around the top ;)

Went back to the junction then headed north on a road that goes between N. Crystal and West Tucker, parked at an abandoned road that goes a bit towards the former. Vegetation-wise, pretty similar conditions, both bushwhack where less than a mile long. I was a bit sad on W. Tucker to found the last Cressey's canister. Stopped by at Colebrook to eat, than headed back to Montréal.

Only a dozen peaks left in VT, but still a lot to do in ME and NY (574/777).
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