Nice WSJ article on John Muir and El Cap climbing

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That's a wonderful story, which means even more to me after my recent first visit to Yosemite. I like the idea of living in a cave there, but of course that's another fantasy. I also can associate with Muir and his relationship with his father about some thinking spending so much time enjoying the mountains is :eek: frivolous.
A good read, thanks Chip.

Am fortunate now in terms of proximity to Yosemite. It's close enough for day trips, especially the eastern side via Tioga Pass.
In this year's edition of Accidents in North American Mountaineering, there is a sobering summary of a fatality due to hypothermia from a late-season (November 2007) climb of Cathedral Rock. So, even moderate routes with modern-day clothing and gear still require some respect of the environment, which John Muir certainly had.