Nippletop 4-11-2009

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We hiked up Nippletop from the Ausable Club via the Gill Brook trail from the Lake Road. We carried snowshoes and crampons but never needed them. The temperature was cool enough keeping the snow nice and hard so that we never postholed. There was hardly any snow during the first part of the hike. We started to hit snow about 2500 feet. By 3000 feet the ground was completely covered with snow. Still the trail was hardpacked, making snowshoes unnecessary.

It was a beautiful day with clear blue skies and puffy clouds. The temp. warmed up to the mid forties by day's end. It was in the low thirties at higher elevation and the summit. The views were outstanding. The views south to the Dixes were beautiful as well as the Great Range to the north. The hike was moderate to Elk Pass, but after the Pass, it became pretty steep and toughgoing in some spots. The ridge walk to the Nipple was a pleasure after the steeps going up. After some chocolate eggs and pictures, we made our way back down to Elk Pass.