Nippletop and Dial, March 02,09

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Sep 8, 2003
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It turned out to be much colder and windier than announced but we made it barely stopping along the way. We got worried when we realized that the two climbers who had signed ahead of us for Colvin and Blake had headed for the Lake as we knew that the Lower Ausable Lake southern end is slushy and wet due to the high water level of the Ausable River. It was a relief upon returning to see their returning tracks earlier in the day and their crossing out in the register confirmed that their trip was aborted. That Range received about four inches of snow during the day, between Nippletop and Dial the tracks were erased most places due to the wind but since the snow isn’t very deep and the markers aplenty it was very easy to follow the trail. All in all a cold (-5F on super windy Nippletop summit) but a relatively easy and relaxing day up there.