Nippletop, Dial, Bear Den loop 8/27/09

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I hope many hikers had the chance to enjoy Thursday as it was an amazing day for a hike. Sunny blue sky, temps in the mid 60's and no bugs, at least for this trail.
The trail up over the Noonmark shoulder, Bear Den, Dial and almost to the top of Nippletop was relatively dry and clear of any blowdown...really in great shape. Considering the elevation gain of 4000' to the top of Nippletop, the accent on this route was really pretty mild to moderate; mostly a steady gain. Encountered a little mud on the top of Nippletop, but the only serious mud was on the decent down Elk Pass by the little ponds. Got the boots covered in mud but not any water to speak of.
Required gear: waterproof boots, poles, sunscreen
If considering doing the loop, the only real steep climp is on Elk's Pass; so depending on whether you like to climb or decend could determine your direction. Amazing views from both the top of Dial and Nippletop!