Nippletop Slide from Elk Pass 6/23

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What was I thinking? Yes, this slide is in the McMartin guide so I figured, "it's in the guidebook; how hard can it be?". This is a killer slide for those of us wimps used to Macomb and East Dix slides. The trail starts at the pond at Hunters Pass exactly as decribed. It's about a 30 minute hike down to the base of the slide in dense forest following the brook the whole way. If there's a path here, I didn't see it. It's a tough hike, but not impossible.

Finally, one emerges on the slide. We emerged too high and found ourselves stuck on a ledge unable to continue. The bottom part of very steep and wet. Scared for our lives, we talked each other back to the forest edge and ascended in the thick forest for the bottom 1/3 of the slide. Finally, it mellowed out and the middle section was enjoyable. We forked right at the junction where 2 streams join up. The middle section was drier and flatter, and more enjoyable for us. The final 1/3 of the slide gets steep again but dry. The guidebook mentions a trail off to the right, but I didn't see one here. We exited the slide about 100 feet below the nearly vertical section with overhanging boulders and blocks. The next 500 feet took about 30 minutes in the cripplebrush. Scrached and tired, we emerged on the ridge (west of summit) to find a faint herd path leading towards the summit of Nippletop.

I think my wife is considering divorce after this trip. This is a fun slide for the hardcore, especially in drier conditions.

This is a long slide at more than a mile; it took us more than 2 hours for the slide itself. Doing this slide with a partner is a must, as is a sense of adventure, sense of humor, boots, bug spray, compass and good visibility. Doing this slide in the mist, wind or rain would be a terrifying experience.

Moderator's note: I believe the poster means Elk Pass(west side of N'top),
not Hunter's Pass(east side of N'top) from where the 'whack to the bottom of the slide begins
I edited the title in the interest of clarity.
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