Nippletop, up Lake Road, down Dial

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Nippletop, Nov. 8

Up Lake Road and Elk Pass: some muddy and icy spots starting after leaving Lake Road. After Elk Pass, virtually icy the whole way to the summit. Unfortunately we were lulled into complacency by the fine weather at the car, and left our stabizers in the trunk. With judicious use of roots, trunks, branches and stumps, and careful foot placement, we made it to the top.

Decend (and ascent) via mts. Dial and Bear Den, snow and ice for the 1st 3/4 mile, but was fine barebooting as there was much less ice, and the angle was less steep than the ascent. After Noonmark shoulder, there's a .4 mile flat section with a lot of mud and water. Following that it gets very steep and leaves cover the tree roots and rocks, so care was taken to avoid ankle mishaps.

Equipment: stabilizers recommended for btw. Elk Pass and the summit.
