Noise from Lake of the Clouds

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Sep 5, 2003
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Manchester, NH
We hiked Washington on Saturday (9/2) and I was astounded by the noise I could hear as we were heading up the Ammonoosuc Ravine Trail. I have a little hearing loss and thus am not always sure what it is I'm hearing. I knew it wasn't the Cog, thought it might be a radio. Later on I thought it was wind whistling through guy lines. Turned out the noise was from two wind turbines on the roof of the Lake of the Clouds hut. We listened to it nearly all day long, even on the Jewell and back in the parking lot.

I don't want to start a huge discussion of other noise on Washington or proposed wind turbines in Maine, but I'm wondering if this is something new. Are they normally that noisy, or was it from the type of wind on Saturday?
I had the same type of experience approaching Galehead Hut. I could hear it from the Garfield Ridge Tr. maybe 10 minutes before I actually saw the hut and what it was.

I guess the the smaller ones like they use at the huts for electricity are just a bit noisy, the bigger ones are silent I believe. I don't think they are that new, I seem to remember hearing them before.

I just returned after spending last thursday and friday nights at the Guyotte tentsite. Both nights we could hear the whistling of the Zealand Hut turbohydromatic water pump far off in the distance. On quiet days you can also just make it out up on Bond.