Noonmark and Round Mtn

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Sep 4, 2003
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Burlington, right next door to Vermont
We are thinking about doing a short hike tomorrow, basically the loop over Noonmark and Round mtn via the Stimson and Weston trails. Anyone have any knowledge of conditions? Enough snow to require snowshoes, for instance, or whether or not those steep pitches of Stimson are negotiable?

Any thoughts greatly appreciated -we're not looking for an epic adventure and we could always chose a lower elevation tour. We just love the views etc...from Noonmark.
Noonmark (and the top of Round) has a lot of bare rocks to scale or hike on, some kind of traction device at least would be prudent I think. Very nice peaks so enjoy them...

Snow is completely gone from the lower elevations peaks, rivers travelled roads and brooks the trails Tuesday evening due to heavy rains and warm temperatures. There was about one inch of snow this morning in Lake Placid but ground is bare in Keene Valley and some brook crossings may still be difficult tomorrow. And yes stabelicers and/or microspikes will be a must on the upper ledges of either Round and Noonmark as Chapel Pond slabs are now iced over in places.
It's been snowing slightly all day, and colder temperatures plus heavier snow are forecast for the area tomorrow.

There will almost certainly be ice on some or all of the trails in the area. Trails up both Noomark and Round can be quite steep in spots (the trail up the northwest side of Round is one of the steepest I think I've ever had the pleasure of hiking on in the Adirondacks!

Enjoy your trip!
And if you're headed to the Old Dix trail that goes back towards St Huberts from Round, you have to go over a bump to get there, which you might not realize it when you planned the hike. :) I remember doing round one day and didn't realize there is a small bump on the trail there...
