Noonmark Pitchoff Ester Whiteface 032208

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Noonmark via Stimson Trail. Packed powder. Hard 2-3 inch crust of hard snow near summit. MSR's worked fine.

Pitchoff via southwest trailhead/Cascade parking was packed powder. Snow firm and a bit icy on northwest side of Pitchoff shoulder and was a bit slippery. Shoulder of Pitchoff was an icy hard packed snow. MSR's worked fine.

Ester and Whiteface via Science Center and return via toll road. Trail up Blueberry Mt was soft, fluffy snow. Snowshoes a must. Some postholes by others but were getting filled in by snowshoers. Thanks to the others that broke it out that morning. From Blueberry to Ester was packed powder. Have to duck low in a couple of sections to get under the icy trees. Herdpath to Ester has only a couple wanderings. Stay to the right and you will get there.

Ester to Whiteface's Huntington Turn packed powder. Summit house stairs were a combination of icy snow and wind blown powder. MSR's worked fine. Could consider crampons.

Toll road a fast icy snow. I skied down and had a couple of nice wipeouts where I caught an edge on some ice but it was really fun going down fast. Thanks to the Whiteface snowmobile that packed out the trail for the trip down.

Could see White Mountains of NH all day. Snowshoes a must for all peaks. A bit breezy on exposed summits so facemask and such still needed.

Another nice walk in the park.

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