North and South Hancock on Sat. 9/3?

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Active member
Mar 6, 2005
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Phillipston, MA - Avatar: bushwacking off the top
I'm planning to head up to bag the Hancocks on Saturday and was wondering if 1-3 VFTTers in the Boston area (or the northern 'burbs around Rt 93) want to join me to help defray the fuel cost. We can use my car (an '05 Hyundai sedan) and I can do all the driving. I'm planning to leave Arlington around 7 am to hit the trailhead by 10.

I'm fairly new to hiking (started three years ago and only started to get obsessed about it last fall). I've done 11 of the 48 so far. I've also done almost all the Franconia Notch trails, Monadnock from three directions, Cardigan + Firescrew, the Montalban Ridge, Greylock, and about a third of all the trails in the Blue Hills. I tend to be pretty close to book speed, but I'd certainly be happy to go at a somewhat slower pace if necessary. We could hike our own hikes or keep together, either way's fine by me. I'd prefer to hike with people who are at least a little experienced, since I'm not experienced enough to make up for someone else's short-comings. Also, I love to listen to my mix tapes of obscure punk and indie rock songs on the way to and from the Whites (hence my VFTT name), so don't bother if that's going to be a problem.

I've never hiked with any VFTTers before. In fact I've mostly gone solo or with non-hiking friends that I've convinced to come with me. None of them are available for Saturday so I thought I'd see if any of you guys or gals want to join me.
I already sent you a PM but in addition I was wondering if you (or anyone) wants to try the Arrow Slide up N. Hancock, rather than the more well-traveled route. Either way I could meet you at the top, I suppose, but I'm always looking for the path of most resistance :D Any takers?