North and South Kinsman Trip Report

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Feb 5, 2009
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Waterville Valley, NH
Luckily, yesterday was a day when everything came together just right. The summits cleared out of the fog in the morning, temperatures rose to near 60, and winds diminished.

So, Jon and I headed out with my cousin Lorraine, who is working on her 4,000 footers, to hike up to Lonesome Lake, take the Fishin' Jimmy Trail to check out Kinsman Pond/Shelter, climb up to North Kinsman [4293 ft.], and traverse the ridge to South Kinsman [4358 ft.]. We would return using the same trails. The sign at the Fishin' Jimmy Trail junction indicated there was still a bit of snow left so we put on our MicroSpikes. We had some difficulty staying on the monorail [narrow and packed down swath of snow] which resulted in some post holing but we successfully reached Kinsman Junction for a short jaunt to check out Kinsman Shelter and Kinsman Pond. We were soon on the final climb to North Kinsman with its spectacular view of the Franconia Range. The warmer temperatures were making the snow soft so we put on our snowshoes for the short walk from North Kinsman to South Kinsman. We arrived at the large summit cairn with fine views in all directions. The hiking was fantastic, and when we got back to Lonesome Lake the skies had completely cleared with its magnificent view of the Franconia Range across the frozen water!

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