North and South Percy and Sugarloaf on 7/29

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Mar 6, 2005
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Phillipston, MA - Avatar: bushwacking off the top
Day 2 of my 5 day vacation in the Whites.

For my birthday I wanted something a little special, so figured heading up to my furthest north peaks yet was in order.

I would like to start the day with Sugarloaf, but it's weather dependant. Since the Percys are rumored to have some scrambly moss-covered ledges, I figure if the forcast is for rain later in the day I'll tackle the Percy's first.

Percy Peaks - up the Percy Peaks Tr, spur to South Peak first, then the spur to North Peak, descend via Percy Loop Tr. I'll roadwalk between the THs if solo, otherwise we'll set up a carspot. 5.5mi/~2400'/~4hrs (roadwalk is about 1.1mi, downhill)

Sugarloaf (Grafton) - Sugarloaf Tr. 4.2mi/2200'/3:10 (according to the WMG)

Intended pace is moderate - looking forward to enjoying a leasurely hike.

Anyone interested?