North Kinsman or Cannon?

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If you were taking some people hiking (starting from Lafayette campground), and had to choose between North Kinsman and Cannon, which would you choose? All in the group can do either one, but doing both in a day is probably not an option. Which do you prefer based on trail conditions, views along the way and at the top, creature comforts on Cannon, or any other factors? Thanks.
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dvbl said:
If you were taking some people hiking (starting from Lafayette campground), and had to chose between North Kinsman and Cannon, which would you choose? All in the group can do either one, but doing both in a day is probably not an option. Which do you prefer based on trail conditions, views along the way and at the top, creature comforts on Cannon, or any other factors? Thanks.
all I had to do is see the thread title, and I immediately thought "Cannon!" :D

N. Kinsman I would only do again if en route to S. Kinsman... you get that one nice outlook at/near the summit of N Kinsman, that's the only good thing I remember about it.

I went up the Hi-Cannon trail, enjoyed it very much. Summit structures not very enjoyable IMHO but you can spend most of your time a few dozen yards away with some nice outlooks.
N. Kinsman by a mile!

From the Kinsman mountain Trail on the west side. All the routes up Cannon are ricky and eroded and the presences of tram riders detracts from the sense of accomplishment
having done both its a hard choice; depends on what you are looking for in a trip.
Cannon: The views in my opinion are better especially with the lookout tower. If you wanted to go up Lonesome Lake trail, you can stop at Lonesome Lake and enjoy a nice view of Lafayette across the notch. Cannon might be a little more crowded because many can come up on the tram but if you don't mind crowds then its a good spot.
North Kinsman: a little more isolated with a nice lookout facing Franconia Ridge. along the way you can stop at Kinsman pond which can be a peaceful setting for a small break before making the final push up to the summit. If you wanted you can make a loop out of it by coming down Fishin Jimmy trail and stop at Lonesome Lake before finishing the day.

Not sure if i've helped any but like i said it all depends on what you're looking for in a hike. Don't mind crowds do Cannon otherwise do North Kinsman.
North Kinsman for me, even though you do look at more from Cannon. But there is a fantasitic view of Kinsman Pond several hundred feet below you from the lookout. But you have to find the small path down to it...its pretty easy. Just go to the lookout and look for an area to climb down on your left and it will lead you to the best view in the Cannon/Kinsman range...IMO. Also, as bintrepid said, you can stop at Kinsman Pond for a nice snack break. It is beautiful. Also you can make a swell loop by taking Kinsman Pond trail down and then looping back to Lonesome Lake via Cascade trail (I think thats the name). The one downside to Kinsman Pond trail is that its wet and a little tough to follow in a few places, but the forest is spectacular.

And as for doing Cannon and Nth Kinsman in a day...thats asking a lot considering the many ups and downs on Kinsman Ridge trail.

Also...almost forgot. I've noticed that Cannon has more clouds covering the summit than North Kinsman does. I've seen Cannon clouded and the Kinsmans totally clear (including the day I hiked). So keep that in the back of your mind as well. If you see Cannon with a nice cloud blanketing it, chances are Kinsman is in the clear.

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I agree with North Kinsman for all the reasons stated. In addition, if your group all all felt good and wanted to keep going, they could then opt to tag one of my favorite summits, South Kinsman.

Good luck with your decision,
I agree with Bill Bowden - especially from the west side. The TH is a bit hard to find (look for the town's boundary sign), but it's a great hike thru a varied forest - something from everyone. If people are fit, side trips to Bald Knob and that mini flume are well worth it as well.

As for Cannon - yes, it's a short hike, but every trail up is rough and badly eroded.
I don't know the west side so I'll skip that.

From Lafayette Place if solo or a groupd of two or three I'd do North Kinsman because the few views people mentioned are small, 8-10 people can't enjoy them all at the same time. If a larger group, Cannon, spoting a car so you can enjoy view from Lonesome, Hi-Cannon & from the top of the cliff.

Personally, I agree with arghman, I'd only do North K. as a short break to South Kinsman, the best of the three no question.
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Ummmm, well I guess the warning above says it all :D . I HATE the F'ing Jimmy Trail, so I vote Cannon. I must also admit to another bias...that being towards Cannon as it is my number 1 favorite mountain (hey, it has to be someones ;) .) If the weather is nice, just make a quick tag of the summit...errrr summit tower, and head straight for the cliffs.......ahhhhhh the cliffs!

I used to recomend Cannon via the Hi Cannon Trail but given the current condition of the trail, I cant recomend this route. The trail is currently trashed and a very good example of how bad a trail can get without maintenence and people jumping switchbacks. Switchbacks are ignored leading to washouts, blazes are poor, in some spots there are multiple routes. It not particularly dangerous, but is not a good thing to expose new hikers to when there are better alternatives.

My vote is for North kinsman from the west with a quick trip via the side trail to the viewpoint.
NewHampshire said:

I hiked this trail 2 weeks ago and thoroughly enjoyed it. An AMC leader told me that it was his absolute favorite of all approaches he had taken to the 48, so I just had to see why. What is it that you dislike?
North Kinsman is one of the most under-rated peaks in the Whites. It easily surpasses Cannon in almost all respects...And...

North Kinsman has a couple of secrets.
1) I doubt many peakbaggers who've been to North Kinsman, could tell you exactly where the summit is...It's slightly off trail. :eek:

2)From the left side of the view area is a herd path leading down to a larger view area. From this lower view area the view of Kinsman Pond alone is worth the trip.

I agree it's best hiked from the West, with side trips to Bald Peak and the Triangle house.
North Kinsman from the Mt. Kinsman trail - a beautiful secret - also known as the Robert Frost trail as he used to walk there often, so local legend says. Be sure to stop off at Bald Knob about halfway up, a very special place. Added bonus of way easy grade all the way up. In fact toughest/steepest part is the logging road at the beginning. Footing is so good, esp. on lower half, I once a few years ago made it down from N. Kinsman in 40 minutes flat (approx 6 miles). :D
Squashman said:
What is it that you dislike?

My biggest dislike is the numerous PUD's (Pointless Ups and Downs) along the way. I extremely dislkie them after a long day of hiking up to North and South Kinsman. Had the pleasure of doing this trail twice....the first time, in late March, it was nothing but an endless waterfall, and the last time was this past summer. I liked it better this time since it was drier....but still hate those PUD's. Guess I foolishly believe a trail should go UP when ascending, and DOWN when descending......not try its best to be a roller coaster :D .

But hey, remember its just my opinion ;) .

NewHampshire said:
...If the weather is nice, just make a quick tag of the summit...errrr summit tower, and head straight for the cliffs.......ahhhhhh the cliffs!

Are the cliffs along the trail, or do you have to take a side path?
I like both and I think either way it'll make for a great hiking experience. I guess I'd choose Cannon since it was my first hike in the Whites and remains a personal favorite.

Either way, enjoy the hiking.