North Pack Monadnock

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Hiked Ted's trail up and Carolyn's trail down. Very warm day, trail ground conditions dry. A LOT of debris has fallen on both trails from the December ice storm making maneuvers necessary to get around, over or under them. This added significantly to the hike time. Some time also lost trying to decipher where the trail was going because of debris cover.

I would not recommend hiking these trails until they are cleared. Would be a great project for a Boy Scout troop!! If you do, plan on more time and effort to complete your hike. On the plus side, the view from the South ledges as always, were magnificent (finest view of the Wapacks and Mt Monadnock in this writer's opinion) A nice steady cooling breeze coming in from the SW kept the little critters away and cooled our tired bodies.

In the 2 hours spent on the ledges, no other fellow hikers were seen. A lot of people and dogs were hiking NPM today, as many vehicles were observed at the Wapack trailhead. So we had expected to see a few hikers at least out there. The solitude was nice however. On a final note, NP's very own "Old Man of Monadnock" (as I call him) still looks out from the ledges to Monadnock and Gap Mts and the hills of Vermont.

Hopefully later this summer we will be back and the T and C trails will have been cleared as they are beautiful trails.
