North Pawtuckaway via N Mountain Trail from Reservation Rd, 3/23/13

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Unpaved section of Reservation Road wet, rutted, but no real problem for my small coupe.

Parking at the N Mountain Trail lot, always limited, was unplowed. 4x4s had an advantage. I did a bit of shoveling. By the time I returned, other cars had just barely left room for me to escape.

From Reservation Rd to the intersection (Chase trail), N Mountain trail is thoroughly packed by snowmobiles and ATVs. (I assume they parked their trailers at the main entrance.)

Once on north mountain, the N Mountain trail is clearly trodden but only by a few pairs of feet.

I bushwhacked southerly from the cave below the big "billboard" (radio reflector) and found the N Mountain Bypass, following one pair of tracks to the Chase trail.

Chase trail snowmobile-packed.

Snowshoes optional. Even off-trail, snow never came above mid-calf while bare-booting. There were a couple of very small bare spots on north peak, not a problem yet if you choose snowshoes.
No ice at all, but I found MicroSpikes reassuring on my somewhat steep bushwhack descent.

Mostly cloudy with a cool breeze, temps around freezing and the barest hints of flurries.