North-South road in Conway, NH

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Sep 3, 2003
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I think that is what it is called. Has anyone used it? I know where the southern end is but where does it go on the northern end?
It winds around....

I have never really seen it ends up paralleling some RR tracks and coming to a stop sign - and if you take a right (and proceed until that road ends), then take a left, go about one mile and then take another left you will end up on route 16 at the Intervale Scenic Vista.
Getting around Conway

It is a wonderful goes behind all of the crap on route 16...the west side road is also a good alternative that can take you from Conway all the way too route 302 in Bartlett without any commercialization/traffic.
I find that even though a lot of people know these roads they are never crowded as many people want the North Conway experience. Why, I am not sure...
I use it all the time, it's a great way to avoid the N. Conway traffic jams. Hook up with Hurricane Mountain Road, as sapblatt suggests, or my preference, Intervale Cross Road.

Watch your speed, Conway police occasionally like to enforce.

carole said:
I think that is what it is called. Has anyone used it? I know where the southern end is but where does it go on the northern end?

I was on it for the first time last week. I was heading north. When it ended at the stop sign, I took a left and soon came out right near EMS. To avoid the little stretch of busy-ness from there north, follow Sapblatt's directions and take a right.

West Side road is probably the better bypass but it isn't so quiet anymore either as the word gets out.
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So if it ends on Kearsarge Road it looks like I could take a left and be in N.Conway or per sapblatt's directions follow Kearsarge road to Hurricane Mtn. road and be in Intervale. Looks like I'll give it a try.

West Side Road is not only a bypass but a very pretty route to drive.
arghman said:
...and more importantly for some of us, can you take that road and avoid having to enter/hear/see North Conway? :D (or does it go by Wal-Marts / Home Depots as I seem to remember hearing)
Actually it starts right by them. The speed limit is ridiculously low so watch out for cops. It would save very little time in early morning or late evening when I usually go through due to the low speed limit, but you would have much less stop & go at busy times.
Thanks all. The North-South road made for a nice cut-off especially in the afternoon. Everyone's directions were great. It looks like it is being continued on the southern end (construction and paving right across the street). I wonder where that will come out?