Notice to GPS WAAS users

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Well-known member
Jan 12, 2005
Reaction score
Bedford, MA; Avatar: eggs anyone?
ON 2/1 the East Coast GPS WAAS satellite (#35) will be moved westward to a new location on 4/1. This will leave the East Coast with poor WAAS coverage until a new satellite comes on line (#36?) sometime this fall. When the dust settles, US WAAS coverage should be improved with 4 satellites instead of the current 2.

#36 seems to be in testing right now and some people have reported receiving signals from it. It appears to be changing modes frequently so you may see corrections and ranging signals from it one moment and something different a few minutes later.

General info: the GPS WAAS satellites are geostationary (appear to stay stationary from a ground observer's point of view) and are thus located over the equator. Therefore they tend to be at a fairly low angle above the horizon and even lower if they are not at your longitude. (These satellites are distinct from the constellation of 24 ranging satellites which are in inclined orbits.)

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I usually leave WAAS off as it seems to drain batteries quicker, especially when there is obstructed views of the horizon. However, with 4 satellites, perhaps it won't need to "seek" as hard and I can try it again!!! I do like that it gets me within 15-17 feet of my objective or location.
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